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Realistic Animated Raven

Realistic Animated Raven with controller script for easy use
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Download Size:
56.35 MB
Current Version:
Supported Unity Version:
2022.3.10 or higher
Last Update:
Dec 16, 2024
Original Release:
Dec 16, 2024
This package includes a realistic animated raven model with a controller script that makes it easy to use. The model has four levels of poly counts and high-resolution PBR textures. The animations include 38 different actions, such as walking, running, flying, and more. The package requires Unity UI.

The model's mesh is made of four levels of poly counts, with the highest level having 36,280 polygons and 58,151 vertices. The textures include a diffuse map, normal map, ambient occlusion map, specular map, and roughness map.

The animations are detailed and include actions such as walking, running, flying, gliding, and more. The package also includes a controller script that makes it easy to use the animations.

If you need any help, don't hesitate to contact the developer.
Technical Details:
High-resolution (4k) PBR textures:
- Diffuse map (with Alpha mask)
- Normal map
- Ambient Occlusion map
- Specular map
- Roughness map

LOD information:
- Polygons_LOD0: 36,280 (Verts_LOD0: 58,151)
- Polygons_LOD1: 14,446 (Verts_LOD1: 14,661)
- Polygons_LOD2: 5,630 (Verts_LOD2: 5,885)
- Polygons_LOD3: 1,768 (Verts_LOD3: 1,916)

38 different animations:
- walking: 2-65
- running: 67-94
- hopping: 96-109
- startFlying: 111-137
- soaring: 138-153
- soaringToFlyingTransition:154-169
- flying: 170-185
- gliding(GlidingWithTransitionFromFlying): 186-365
- gliding(notFlapping): 195-355
- gettingHit_Part1_DyingInTheAir: 366-397
- gettingHit_Part2_Falling: 398-411
- gettingHit_Part3_HittingTheFloor: 412-455
- flyingTransitionToDescending: 457-472
- descending: 473-488
- landing: 489-525
- jumping: 525-543
- eating: 544-706
- drinkingWater:707-800
- cawing: 801-880
- pooping: 881-978
- lookingAround: 979-1208
- yawning: 1209-1247
- sleeping_Part1_tendingToSleep: 1248-1440
- sleeping_Part2_loopSleeping: 1440-1480
- sleeping_Part3_wakingUp: 1481-1523
- stretching: 1524-1582
- cleaningItsWing: 1583-1646
- cleaningBackFeathers: 1647-1742
- cleaningChestFeathers: 1743-1860
- cleaningBeakWithFoot : 1861-2000
- attacking: 2001-2030
- gettingHit_DyingOnTheGround: 2031-2069
- dancing: 2073-2293
- flying_TurningLeft: 2310-2325
- flying_TurningRight: 2328-2343
- gliding_TurningLeft: 2346-2505
- gliding_TurningRight: 2507-2667
- huntingCatchingPrey: 2670-2722

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