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Cat Slayer 003

A 3D model of a humanoid cat character in a fantasy setting, suitable for casual games, advertising, and cartoons.
Elf Grindylow
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Download Size:
126.96 MB
Current Version:
Supported Unity Version:
2021.3.29 or higher
Last Update:
Dec 12, 2024
Original Release:
Dec 12, 2024
The Cat Slayer 003 package includes a single character model with the following features:

The character is a humanoid cat wearing a jacket and trousers, equipped with a sword.
It is well-suited for fantasy games in a casual style, as well as advertising and cartoon applications.
The character has face morphing capabilities.
The model does not come with animations, but it has a standard humanoid rig that works with Unity's humanoid rig system.

The package includes FBX files and Unity scenes for easy import and use in your project.

The character's textures are PBR (Physically Based Rendering) compliant, with the following maps:

* Albedo
* Ambient Occlusion (AO)
* Metallic
* Normal
All textures are 4096x4096 in size.

The model's polygon count is:

* Polys: 24,501
* Tris: 48,153
* Verts: 24,545
Technical Details:
Unity Project: Yes
FBX: Yes
Video: Presentation and Test In UNITY
* PBR textures: Albedo, AO, Metallic, Normal (4096-4096 Size)
* PBR textures: Albedo, AO, Metallic, Normal (4096-4096 Size)

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