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Titan Twins Sub-Pack 6 - Titan Traditions Asset Image Browse on the Asset Store » * This is an affiliate link, meaning we may earn a small commission if you purchase something through it, at no extra cost.

Titan Twins Sub-Pack 6 - Titan Traditions

Dynamic music for ethnic, shop, beach, nostalgia, royals & divinity in action RPGs, with 177 loops and over 8 hours of music
Hybris Music
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Download Size:
3.23 GB
Current Version:
Supported Unity Version:
2021.3.45 or higher
Last Update:
Dec 4, 2024
Original Release:
Dec 4, 2024
The Titan Twins - Dynamic Leitmotiv Sub-Pack 6 contains 177 dynamic video game music loops, with 17 starting points, 160 variations, and 7 stems, each lasting 1 minute and 4 seconds. This pack provides over 8 hours of interactive music, suitable for Town Theme Tradition needs. The loops are designed to transition seamlessly from one to another, with the same tempo and key, and can be used with Asian and African instruments, shopkeeper, beach bar, nostalgic music boxes, royals, and divine celebration tracks.

This pack is a smaller part of a larger effort to provide a musical toolbox for indie game developers, covering a range of applications with almost endless variation possibilities. The full pack contains over 70 hours of music, with suggested starting points to help developers get started and move faster.

Note that this pack is a cheaper, sized-down version of the full pack, which includes dynamic music tracks for Tradition Variations of the Town Theme. The full pack can be found under the label Titan Twins - Complete Dynamic Leitmotiv Pack, or another pack that includes all dynamic variations for this part of the pack, Titan Twins Leitmotiv Collection 2, at a reduced rate.
Technical Details:
All files are in WAV format, 44.1 kHz, 16 bit, stereo. All loops are seamless. The pack includes 177 dynamic loops and 7 stems, totaling over 8 hours of seamless loops.

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