Simple Tween offers easy-to-use automation of a GameObject's transform values. You can queue and play clips to interpolate from one value to another, either through code or the included clip editor. The package provides various options to manipulate objects, such as looping clips, mirroring tweens, setting time offsets, and choosing from different interpolation functions. You can also create your own animation curves. Saved clips can be used later as a ScriptableObject. Currently, the package supports manipulating a GameObject's position, rotation, and scale.
You can use the Tween Clip Editor, accessible under Window/SimpleTween, for easy and intuitive editing and queuing of Tweens and Tween Clips.
Additionally, it includes the Tween Clip Editor, which can be accessed under Window/SimpleTween, for easy and intuitive editing and queuing of Tweens and Tween Clips.