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NavIslands Pathfinding — Fast Navigation (with Flying AI & Patrol) Asset Image Purchase on the Asset Store » * This is an affiliate link, meaning we may earn a small commission if you purchase something through it, at no extra cost.

NavIslands Pathfinding — Fast Navigation (with Flying AI & Patrol)

A navigation system that lets your AI characters navigate the environment and avoid obstacles! A* algorithm works on multiple threads, so it ensures fast performance.
Isch. GameDev
(3 reviews)
Download Size:
6.83 MB
Current Version:
Original Release:
Nov 7, 2024
Last Update:
Feb 26, 2025
Supported Unity Version:
2022.3.32 or higher

If your game is dynamic, features lots of NPCs, moving platforms and flying enemies, then this asset is for you! Package includes tools to generate the navigation meshes on the scene and different types of AIs.

Main Features

  • The A* pathfinding algorithm will work across multiple connected navigation meshes, and will operate on multiple threads, with the help of Unity Jobs.
  • The package works on any mesh: new navigation grids can be generated on objects with steep slopes, with holes inside them or complex terrains.

Additional Features

The asset also includes some useful built-in tools for AIs, that you can use to add simple behaviors without writing a single line of code!

These include:

  • Flying AI Mode. The agent will fly above the ground and avoid obstacles in the air, while using the A* pathfinding on the horizontal axis,
  • AI Patrol. The agents will traverse the patrol points, and then, on reaching the end point, either go back and forth, loop or just stop. You can also add wait times on each patrol point for specific agent types, so that they pause for n seconds before going to the next point,
  • AI Agent Type. Create agents of type (for example, "Zombie") with shared settings. AIs can transition between different agent types,
  • AI Obstacle Area. An area in the navigation grid that has specific path cost modifiers for each agent type. The AI will either try to avoid the area, or, on the contrary will try to go to it,
  • AI Wander Area. A restricted area on the navigation grid inside which the AI agents wander between different random points.

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Technical Details:


The package works in Unity of version 2022 and higher. 

Additional Packages

Unity Mathematics, Unity Burst and Unity Collections must be installed in order for multi-threaded code to work.

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