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Pine Pack - Behavior Trees

PINE enhances character AI in Unity with customizable behavior trees, real-time debugging, and seamless integration, enabling dynamic NPC interactions for immersive gameplay experiences.
CatBorg Studio
Not enough ratings.
Download Size:
2.13 MB
Current Version:
1.11 - Minor Update
Original Release:
Oct 15, 2024
Last Update:
Feb 21, 2025
Supported Unity Version:
2022.3.34 or higher

P.I.N.E. - Procedural Intelligence Node Editor- allowing for the creation of complex behavior trees and decision-making systems.

Key Features:

  • Standalone: PINE operates independently, requiring no additional modules or assets.
  • Node Editor: Includes an editor based on Unity's Graph View, facilitating an easy and intuitive workflow.

Features List:

  • Blackboard: Provides flexible access to variables and included in-scene objects.
  • Custom Inspectors for Nodes: Designed based on developer feedback to streamline your workflow.
  • Node State Indicators: Enables quick identification of node and tree states.

Node Types:

  • Action Nodes (56): Represent the core tasks that an AI can perform within a Behavior Tree.
  • Decorative Nodes (11): Modify the behavior of their child nodes without directly executing actions.
  • Selector Nodes (1): Act as decision-makers in a Behavior Tree, evaluating their child nodes in order.
  • Sequencer Nodes (1): Ensure that a series of child nodes are executed in order.
  • Branch Nodes (10): Provide the ability to split the flow of execution within a Behavior Tree based on specific conditions.

Integrated Assets:

  • Senses Asset Pack by CatBorg Studio;
  • Tag Frenzy by Neil Meredith;

Support & Updates:

Running into issues with the asset, or stuck on a design idea? If you’re working with complex node setups or thinking of adding a custom node, reach out to me directly, and we’ll tackle it together.

  • Help Desk (Discord).
  • Documentation (GitHub ReadMe File).
Technical Details:
PINE is a standalone package that operates independently, requiring no additional modules or assets. It includes a node editor based on Unity's Graph View, facilitating an easy and intuitive workflow. The package features a blackboard, custom inspectors for nodes, and node state indicators. It also includes 56 Action Nodes, 11 Decorative Nodes, 1 Selector Node, 1 Sequencer Node, and 10 Branch Nodes. Integrated assets include the Senses Asset Pack and Tag Frenzy. Support is available through the Help Desk (Discord) and documentation is available on the GitHub ReadMe File.

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