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Senses elevates character perception in Unity with configurable visual and auditory features, noise generation, and stealth mechanics, enhancing gameplay immersion and dynamism.
The Senses package is a behavior AI asset pack that allows for setting up character senses in Unity. It includes a standalone component that doesn't require any other module or asset to work. The package includes detailed demo scenes for learning and a list of components such as Senses Component, See Sensor, Hear Sensor, Smell Sensor, Noise Component, Obstacle Component, Stealth Component, Lumen Stealth Addon, Zoner Stealth Addon, RigCollider Component, See Booster Component, and StealthZone Component. It also provides support and updates through a help desk on Discord and documentation on GitHub.
Technical Details:
The Senses package includes the following components: Senses Component, See Sensor, Hear Sensor, Smell Sensor, Noise Component, Obstacle Component, Stealth Component, Lumen Stealth Addon, Zoner Stealth Addon, RigCollider Component, See Booster Component, and StealthZone Component. It also includes detailed demo scenes for learning and provides support and updates through a help desk on Discord and documentation on GitHub.