The Dynamic Photo Camera asset enables in-game photography mechanics with photo management and interaction features. It allows players to save notes and clues in-game, eliminating the need to jot them down in their phone notes. The asset supports PC and mobile platforms, 2D and 3D modes, and is easy to set up. Key features include in-game photography, metadata storage, photo manipulation, and photo validation. It's perfect for detective and investigation quests, interactive educational games, and any gameplay involving user-generated content. To get started, simply add the PhotoController prefab to your scene, assign your game camera, and you're ready to go.
Technical Details:
Developed using Unity 2022.3.20f1 (LTS), this asset contains no obvious features that conflict with standard Unity version compatibility. It has been tested on mid-range Android devices (API 24+) and Windows 10 PCs, but iOS compatibility has not been tested. Photo data size is typically 25-26 KB per image, and taking a photo causes a brief ~20% FPS drop that lasts only a fraction of a second. Captured photos are stored in Application.persistentDataPath, and the asset supports both the old and new Unity input system. It relies only on standard Unity components and classes, with no third-party libraries required. TextMeshPro package might need to be imported, and all necessary links to components are preconfigured in the Unity Inspector.