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Simple Visual Dialogue Editor

A simple visual dialogue editor for Unity based on xNode, allowing for easy creation and management of dialogue systems.
Inkcat Studio
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Download Size:
685.05 KB
Current Version:
Supported Unity Version:
6000.0.23 or higher
Last Update:
Nov 26, 2024
Original Release:
Nov 26, 2024
This package provides a simple visual dialogue editor based on xNode. It allows for the creation of dialogue systems with four different types of nodes: dialogue, option, event, and check. The dialogue node is the most commonly used, while the option node enables making choices, the event node invokes public functions, and the check node checks public variables. Each node can have both input and output ports, making the system flexible. The flow of information is clear, but it's essential to ensure that nodes with output ports are connected to prevent them from being end points. Additionally, nodes can be collapsed to save connection information. To use the dialogue system, the created graph must be loaded as a scriptable object and instantiated. The chatInfo, optionInfo, and Next() functions are the primary methods used to interact with the system, allowing for the retrieval of information about the current step and its type.
Technical Details:
The package uses XNode under the MIT license, and further details can be found in the Third-Party Notices.txt file.

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