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Action Scheduler

Streamline your coroutine actions and enhance script communication in Unity with ease.
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Download Size:
283.41 KB
Current Version:
Supported Unity Version:
2022.3.8 or higher
Last Update:
Dec 30, 2024
Original Release:
Dec 10, 2024
Action Scheduler is an asset designed to simplify the process of creating coroutine actions. It enables seamless communication between scripts through notifications, allowing for the execution of actions and sharing of parameters. This functionality extends to the ability to share values between scripts, making it easier to manage complex interactions between different parts of your Unity project.

The asset provides a range of features, including:

* Notify: Send parameters between scripts
* WaitTill: Execute an action after a specified time, frame count, or condition
* Interval: Execute an action at regular intervals
* UntilWaitTill: Stop a routine before it ends
* Set and get Fields: Save and retrieve values between scripts
Technical Details:
* Notify: Send parameters between scripts
* WaitTill: Execute an action after seconds, frames, bool delegate or notify
* Interval: Execute an action at an interval of seconds, frames, bool delegate or notify
* UntilWaitTill: Stop the routine before it ends by using another WaitTill
* Set and get Fields: Save and get values between different scripts

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