This package includes effects created with VFX Graph, resulting in improved visuals and performance. All color parameters are customizable, allowing you to create your own color effects. Note that HDRP is not supported, but you can modify ShaderGraph to work with it.
This package requires Unity 2021.3 or newer, along with Visual Effect Graph and Shader Graph. Install these prerequisites via the Package Manager before installing this package. Restart the editor after installation.
The package works with URP and has limited compatibility with mobile devices, including WebGL. If the VFX doesn't appear, try recompiling the assets by opening them in Visual Effects Graph.
Before testing, create a new project or back up your files. If issues arise, check the Scriptable Render Pipeline Settings and Render Pipeline Asset in Project Settings. Update Universal RP and Visual Effect Graph to the latest version in the Package Manager.
If problems persist, try adjusting the URP Settings. For more information, join our Discord community.
The package includes four prefabs: _VenomElixir, _VenomElixir (1), _VenomElixir (2), and _VenomElixir (3). Each effect has five colors that can be customized.
Technical Details:
The package includes four prefabs: _VenomElixir, _VenomElixir (1), _VenomElixir (2), and _VenomElixir (3). Each effect has five colors that can be changed. All effects can be customized to create unique color effects.